Laboratory Exercise 6.3a
In this problem you are to estimate the parameters of two, real, ergodic noise processes based upon information from their estimated autocorrelation function φ[k] and/or estimated power spectral density S(Ω). In the following: The key is to develop two expressions f and g that will enable us to estimate the relevant parameters.
  1. Find an expression based upon E{ φ[k] } that relates μ, σ, N, and φ0 in the form φ0 = f(μ, σ, N).

  2. Find an expression based upon E{ S[Ω] } that relates μ, σ, N, S0, and φ0 in the form S0 = g(μ, σ, N, φ0).
Note that these two expressions f and g are independent of the distribution being studied so long as μ and σ exist and are finite.

The two processes we will analyze are a) an exponential distribution for the amplitude at each time sample leading to a random signal e[n] and b) a Poisson distribution at each time sample leading to a random signal P[n].

We begin with a 1.5 second sample of an exponentially-distributed random process whose probability density function p(x|α) = p(x) = αe–αx where α > 0 and x ≥ 0. The single parameter α is randomly chosen from the set {0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, 25.6}. Each time you perform this exercise by pressing the “retry” button below () another sample of the process will be generated but with a new, probably different value for the parameter α of the random process.
  1. Using the expression f, N, and the measured value φ0 estimate the value of α that was used to generate this sample. Call this estimate αf.

  2. Using the expression g, N, and the measured value S0 as well as the measured φ0 estimate the value of α that was used to generate this sample. Call this estimate αg.

  3. By what percentage do αf and αg differ from each other? By what percentage do they differ from the true value α?

  4. Can you think of a reason why we might have intentionally suppressed the display of the labels on the vertical axis of the signal e(t)?

Choose lab variant:      

  Play noise sample      
Zoom: N = ----- samples = ----- ms
Exponential noise sample e[n] Estimate α

p(x) = α e–αx        α > 0   &   x ≥ 0

  Try again
Estimates of φee  & See
φ0 = φee [k=0] = 10000 S0 = See(Ω=0) = 8 x 108